Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Woman is the Nigger of the World

Hey, don't get angry with me! In 1972, John Lennon released his single by the same title. He used the controversial word to dramatize how women in general have been oppressed prior to the 1960's and how it continued into the 70's etc.

When released, it received little play on the radio because of the "word" and it really was just another protest song. But, why are so many people today so sensitive about a name, whether it is gringo, wop, queer, homo, spic, honky, ho, or whatever. This sensitivity is really a product of today's society spurred on by the threat of a lawsuit. If the legal establishment would toss out some of the suits, this over sensitivity about anything that anyone calls you would end. What is really funny is the fact that some illegals in the US are upset when called an "illegal" and not an "immigrant" (which is a person here legally). All this over sensitivity about a name simply forces everyone to not say anything because of the fear of a lawsuit. The same over sensitivity pertains to the use of the "finger". Some go ballistic if you flip the finger at them to the point they are crazy. Maybe I am a bit too aloof about what one may call me as it is only one person's opinion and it certainly not worth my time. The finger is less, a mere gesture. Please, there are way more important things in life than a word or a gesture.

Woman is the Nigger of the World

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